
Friday, April 25, 2008

Slow Motion

Things have been somewhat slow on my end where the sewing is concerned anyway. I've been dealing with some personal things that I'd rather not, but such is life. Anyway, the other day I did manage to make two handkerchief style skirts. They're pretty similar, but one is shorter. The cool thing about it is that they're both best for large or x-large, so people can't be getting on my case about not making enough larger sizes! :-) There'll be more coming, too.

So, the skirts...


The second one hasn't been added to my shop yet, but it'll be there be the end of the day.

I'm in the process of making a top like this in lime green for myself. Hopefully the event I'm intending to wear it to won't get rained out Sunday. I'm also *planning* on making a skirt to wear with it. Stay tuned for that...


Anonymous said...

Love the cut and the movement of those skirts! Hope things smooth out in other areas of your life soon.

Unknown said...

thanks julie. :-) i just go through "slumps" sometimes, but i always pull through.